Fulbright Chronicles, Volume 1, Number 4 (2023)
As the Fulbright Chronicles completes its fourth issue during our first year, we are looking to expand our editorial team to reflect the global nature and breadth of the Fulbright Program.
We are especially interested in receiving expressions of interest from Fulbrighters with editing experience from Southern Africa, East Asia, Northern Europe and Central America.
Associate Editors are part of a global team that oversees the publication of an independent, volunteer-led, peer-reviewed quarterly journal by and for Fulbrighters. Responsibilities including assisting with:
- Setting editorial policy and direction
- Soliciting articles
- Conducting the peer review process
- Copy-editing articles before publication
- Identifying topics for special issues
- Participating in monthly editorial meetings
- Networking with the National Commissions and Fulbright Associations
If you are interested, please send a short letter of interest describing what you would bring to the editorial team and why you are interested to: bsvare@albany.edu.