Fulbright Chronicles, Volume 3, Number 1 (2024)
Kevin F. F. Quigley and Bruce B. Svare
We are very pleased to present the very first special issue of the Fulbright Chronicles.
In launching this journal nearly three years ago, we sought to explore the enduring impact from the Fulbright experiences we have been privileged to have. We wanted to spotlight what our global Fulbright community was doing and discuss what difference that made. We were also eager to learn more about how Fulbrighters, with their remarkable expertise, experiences, insights, and global reach, were grappling with the critical issues of our times.
As we assembled our editorial team, virtually every discussion we had was whether the Chronicles would produce special issues providing opportunities for an in-depth consideration of topical issues. This special issue is the first realization of that goal.
We were indeed fortunate that associate editor Melanie C. Brooks volunteered to take on the herculean task of creating this first special issue. Over a good part of this past year, Melanie worked to develop this issue. Beginning with reaching agreement with the editorial team on the topic, she solicited proposals for articles, and then worked closely with the authors to produce this issue.
As you might expect given the broad range of interests, expertise, and experiences of our community, there is an extraordinary diversity in the topics represented in this issue. Melanie adeptly arranged the articles around four themes essential to sustainability 1) indigenous wisdom; 2) cultural preservation and education; 3) innovation and technology, and 4) conflict resolution, social justice, and peacebuilding. Reflecting the global nature of our community and its interests, the contributors to this issue come from 12 countries and their articles touch all seven continents.
This first special issue provides a stellar example for future special issues, which we plan to do annually. Thank you, Melanie!
We also thank book review editor Erika J. Waters for curating the reviews to reflect the theme of sustainability.
Please share your thoughts on this special issue and ideas for future ones.
With deep gratitude for your ongoing interest in the Fulbright Chronicles.