The first issue of the third volume of Fulbright Chronicles has been published. This is our first themed issue and focuses on the topic of sustainability This issue features: From the editors A First for the Fulbright Chronicles – Kevin F. F. Quigley and Bruce B. Svare Fulbright Chronicles Special Issue: Sustainability – Melanie C. Brooks…
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Fulbright Chronicles: Volume 2, Issue 4 released
The fourth issue of the second volume of Fulbright Chronicles has been published. This issue features: From the editors Can the Fulbright Program Play a Role in Helping Higher Education Find New Value and Purpose? – Bruce B. Svare and Kevin F. F. Quigley Articles How an Errant Fulbright Shaped My Personal and Professional Life…
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Fulbright Chronicles: Volume 2, Issue 3 released
The third issue of the second volume of Fulbright Chronicles has been published. This issue features: From the editors Building a Stronger Global Fulbright Community – Kevin F. F. Quigley and Bruce B. Svare Commentaries The United States and Scotland Have a Lot to Learn From Each Other About Access to Higher Education – Catherine…
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Fulbright Chronicles: Volume 2, Issue 2 released
The second issue of the second volume of Fulbright Chronicles has been published. This issue features: From the Editors What a Fulbright Award Really Means – Bruce B. Svare and Kevin F. F. Quigley Expressions of Interest: Themed Issue on Creating Sustainable Futures – Melanie C. Brooks Commentaries My Fulbright Experience: Seeing People, Not Just Places – Gregory…
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A new Fulbright Challenge
New Editorial Board Members Being a Fulbright Alumni is about nurturing our experience abroad and giving back from what we experienced and accomplished. It is that spirit that made us take a new challenge as new members of the Fulbright Chronicles editorial team. We would like to introduce ourselves to our readers while sharing the…
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Fulbright Chronicles: Volume 2, Issue 1 released
The first issue of the second volume of Fulbright Chronicles has been published. The issue features two commentaries, six articles and four reviews reflecting the diverse experiences of Fulbrighters across the world. This issue features: From the Editors Fulbright is All About Education – Kevin F. F. Quigley and Bruce B. Svare Commentaries My Fulbright Specialist…
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Reflecting on Fulbright Chronicles #2
Melanie C. Brooks Mark Twain once said, “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrowmindedness—and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts.” Twain’s wisdom about the American condition remains pertinent today as the United States, along with countries across the globe, face the challenges of rising religious and political polarizations, racial discrimination,…
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Reflecting on Fulbright Chronicles #1
Iunio Iervolino It is not simply a commonplace that a Fulbright scholarship or grant is a life-changing experience. The Program is so popular and so prestigious only because it has touched so many, and certainly me. If one carefully thinks about it, this makes Fulbright, in fact, an education-driven process that silently shapes the global…
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Fulbright Chronicles: Origin Story #2
Kevin F. F. Quigley In 2007, when I was a Fulbright Senior Specialist while serving as president of the the Peace Corps alumni association, Khun Pornthip Kanjaniyot, the Executive Director of the Thai Fulbright Program, suggested that there was someone she wanted me to meet: Bruce Svare. Although she didn’t say this, Khun Pornthip implied…
Continue ReadingFulbright Chronicles: The origin story
Bruce B Svare I had been thinking about a journal for Fulbright for a number of years before it ultimately came to fruition in 2021-2022. A turning point came when my friend Kevin Quigley came on board as Co-Editor to assist me with nurturing the idea and then developing its final form. Kevin and I…
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